Partonomy list P3F, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress


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Top level systema nervosum centrale Short Extended
Level 2 encephalon Short Extended
Current level pons Short
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
72244 5431 tax
pons ; pars basilaris pontis
pons ; basilar part of pons
83922 5441 tax
pontine grey matter; grey substance of pons ▲
77113 5442 tax
nuclei pontis
nuclei of pons
77114 5443
nucleus anterior pontis (par) ; nucleus ventralis pontis (par)
anterior pontine nucleus (pair); ventral nucleus of pons (pair)
77116 5444
nucleus lateralis pontis (par)
lateral pontine nucleus (pair)
77117 5445
nucleus medianus pontis
median pontine nucleus
77122 5446
nucleus paramedianus pontis (par)
paramedian pontine nucleus (pair)
77123 5447
nucleus peduncularis pontis (par)
peduncular pontine nucleus (pair)
77118 5448
nucleus posterior pontis (par) ; nucleus dorsalis pontis (par)
posterior pontine nucleus (pair); dorsal nucleus of pons (pair)
77120 5449
nucleus posterior lateralis pontis (par); nucleus dorsolateralis pontis (par)
posterolateral pontine nucleus (pair); dorsolateral nucleus of pons (pair)
77121 5450
nucleus posterior medialis pontis; nucleus dorsomedialis pontis
posteromedial pontine nucleus; dorsomedial nucleus of pons
83941 5432 tax
substantia alba pontis P4 17 children
pontine white matter; white substance of pons
tractus descendentes pontis (par)
descending tracts of pons (pair)
265586 8527 tax
tractus corticospinalis
corticospinal tract
tractus corticonuclearis
corticonuclear tract
8528 tax
tractus corticoreticularis
corticoreticular tract
fibrae corticopontinae (par)
corticopontine (pair)
75223 6243
tractus frontopontinus
frontopontine tract
8535 tax
fibrae parietopontinae
parietopontine fibres
8536 tax
fibrae temporopontinae
temporopontine fibres
8534 tax
fibrae occipitopontinae
occipitopontine fibres
tractus commissurales pontis (par)
commissural tracts of pons (pair)
fibrae pontocerebellares
pontocerebellar fibres
23 lines
56.5 %
21.7 %
Scientific notes
Type of list P3F
List Unit Identifier 5431
Sublist 1 5432 substantia alba pontis 17/12 on 11.6.2019
Sublist 2 5441 substantia grisea pontis 21/10 on 19.4.2018
Subtotals subchildren 38 subunits 22
Proper children 2
Number of children 40 (validated)
Proper units 1
Number of units 23 (validated)
Signature 23617 (validated since 11.6.2019)
Date: 29.07.2024